Member-only story
Writing is Oatmeal
Hopefully, it’s pretty tasty goop, but it’s been around the block
There’s only so many times you can have yesterday’s soup and call it delicious without starting to lie. Writing is like that too, it’s hard to stay innovative and make sure that what we’re writing about stays fresh, not only to our readers but to ourselves as writers. Burnout comes quickly when you stop finding what you’re writing interesting.
It’s been a struggle lately, and sometimes it feels like I’m just putting something out to just keep going.
I started writing because I think writing is freeing. I want to write things that will help other people find their freedom — to find the things that make them happy, but I’m don’t know any secrets on that front. I’m someone who is quite naturally free, I find myself naturally gravitating to those things which make me feel freer, so it’s not like I have any secrets, and when I come across advice they’re usually old adages that everyone has heard.
One of my biggest subject matters is something that is free and highly known information, not special secrets.
But then I think about those moments when I read a new manga or watch a movie — so many of these shows resonate with me even though they’re not innovating plots.