I’ve Ruined Nature by Living In It

I’m not going to change anything about that

Leo Carvalho
4 min readJul 22, 2021
Morro do Pai Inacio, Bahia, Brazil, from our family pictures

I live in Brazil.

Not in Rio, or Sao Paulo, I live in North East Bumblefuck, chickens on the street get eaten by cats on the street and shit in my front yard and there’s no amount of complaining that will make them stop Brazil.

Where I live there is a selection of 3 stores to get each type of thing that you may want and they just sold out, you’ll have to wait another who knows how long to get whatever you want.

The place where 60% of minimum wage in New York is enough to make 5–6 times what 90% of people here make. Where if the internet falls on a Saturday night you better go take a hike until Monday morning.

Ooooh, I can’t express how salty I get at times because I live here.

Both those are just sometimes. I get too caught up in work and machines to remember why I live here.

I work in my own little world, and I get absorbed because most of the occasions when I go out, it’s a half hike just to get groceries. My calves are splendidly youthful, but my knees hurt. I don’t live like I live here.



Leo Carvalho

Writing about programming and the life of a developer, with some other things sprinkled in between