It is a huge red flag, but I don’t think one sign is enough to start calling it quits. There is a huge back story that’s not included in this article, her relationship with her mother, the way society tells us a mother should behave, the people around her (specifically Instagram in our case)— there’s so much that influence a person’s thoughts and behavior that one trait or moment is not enough to immediately make that call.
My wife and I have a child together, that’s a life long commitment. If I make the judgment that my child and I should leave together for one reason or another, at her current age, it would be executing ownership over my daughter just the same as putting earrings on her.
What’s important is not each specific trait at each specific moment, but our willingness to work together to improve ourselves together, and not getting caught up in one weakness or another. I have just as many toxic traits as she does.
“This does not get better” doesn’t mean “this gets worse either.” If it is something that is here to stay, then that means I have to work with and around it, not against it.