Best Firefox Add-on for Medium

A complete game-changer for Firefox users

Leo Carvalho
2 min readJul 9, 2021
Screenshot of the writer’s stats, I swear they’ve been better — but the rest of the screenshots will all be from my personal stats page

If you write on Medium and you use Firefox —try Medium Next Generation Stats — this beast beats out any of the competition I’ve used on Chrome. None of this is sponsored, I randomly found this bad boy, and it only has two users, which to me sounds unacceptable.

First of all — you can set the range of your stats chart, you can see stats for a month, two months, four, or about a year. That’s cool, and it also shows your total earnings and followers you gained for that period, without you having to go all over the place to try and work it out.

It shows you which days you published articles, and what articles you published on a given day with little dots.

Or you could just download a JSON file.

You can hover over a bar and see a breakdown of what stories were read on that day specifically. You can see what stories still have life in them and what’s constantly popping up.



Leo Carvalho

Writing about programming and the life of a developer, with some other things sprinkled in between